Hello guys, thought this would be handy to post newly calculated conversion rates. :) M4011: Test info taken from here: http://tskagawa.com/?page_id=2061 Known: Conversion rate for SBM-20 --> 0.0057 Calculations: uranium glass bead 238U : SBM-20 --> 290cpm * 0.0057 = 1.653µSv/h M4011 --> 1.653µSv/h / 245cpm = 0.0067469387755102 uranium ore 238U : SBM-20 --> 471cpm * 0.0057 = 2.6847µSv/h M4011 --> 2.6847µSv/h / 436cpm = 0.0061575688073394 smoke detector pellet 241Am : SBM-20 --> 896cpm * 0.0057 = 5.1072µSv/h M4011 --> 5.1072µSv/h / 790cpm = 0.0064648101265823 lantern mantle 232Th full size: SBM-20 --> 5253cpm * 0.0057 = 29.9421µSv/h M4011 --> 29.9421µSv/h / 4386cpm = 0.0068267441860465 Averaging: 0.0067469387755102 + 0.0061575688073394 + 0.0064648101265823 + 0.0068267441860465 = 0.0261960618954784 0.0261960618954784 / 4 = 0.0065490154738696 0.0065490154738696 <-- rounding to 4 digits behind the dot --> 0.0066 <-- Theoretical conversion rate for the M4011 after applying maths. :) Hope this helped out. :)